
Service learning is part of our mission, and Tiger students and alumni live it. 每年,数百名学生在克里特岛、奥马哈和林肯做数千小时的志愿者.

生命接力 American Cancer Society 标志


Doane has been a top collegiate fundraiser for 生命接力 for nearly 20 years. 学生主导的活动为抗击癌症筹集捐款,并为受癌症影响的人提供支持.


Through the IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, 十大网络娱乐平台注册会计专业的学生可以获得认证,免费帮助十大网络娱乐平台注册和克里特岛社区准备纳税申报表.

Doane/克里特岛.E. 课程

在本课程中, 十大网络娱乐平台注册的学生与克里特岛公立学校有特殊需要的学生配对,教授基本的运动技能,并向他们的“红衣主教朋友”学习.”

社区新闻 & 事件

Junior MacKenzie Painter wears a white tshirt that reads "Doane Volleyball." She stands in front of the Lied Science and Mathematics Building.

所有的新闻 & 事件




内布拉斯加州克里特岛复兴的伊希斯剧院大厅的建筑效果图. 古埃及女神伊希斯(Isis)的金色雕像在青铜装饰艺术销售柜台上方的醒目位置. 左边一面带有金色装饰艺术图案的蓝色墙壁上显示了捐赠者的名字,右边一面墙壁被漆成白色,上面也有同样的金色装饰艺术图案. 柜台后面墙壁两侧的门通往剧院和其他设施.

Resurrecting 克里特岛's historic movie theater

Firefighters watch a demonstration of breaking open a door outside of Burrage Hall.



十大网络娱乐平台注册 Presents Seventh Annual Polk Lectureship


“The Flora of the Nebraska Tallgrass Prairie: Past and Present."公众展览



Masters degree helps Doane grad serve the 林肯 community

Four middle school girls work on creating paper models of shapes like pyramids, cubes and dodecahedrons with the help of Dr. 玛格丽特·沃茨博士. 芭芭拉·詹宁斯·赫尔佐格, 谁在十大网络娱乐平台注册教数学, 和Bailee back, a junior elementary and special education major. They are in one of the classrooms in Doane's Lied science building.



Dr. 玛格丽特·瓦茨, assistant professor of mathematics at Doane, 今年秋天,她创办了GEMS,教年轻女孩数学不仅仅是算术和几何. And that while it can be a challenge, it can be a fun challenge.

Artisan Mark owner Elayne Woods Jones stands behind the coffeeshop's counter. 在她身后, 很长一段, exposed brick wall extends to seating at the back of the shop, 头顶温暖的灯光.



自2019年以来, Artisan Mark has provided the city of 克里特岛 with gourmet coffee and gluten-free eats, clothing and goods from local or women-owned businesses, 还有完美的学习氛围, 工作或与朋友见面. The shop is owned by Elayne Woods Jones ‘13L.




The Doane community takes steps toward beating cancer.

Dr. Cale Stolle presents scholarships to senior engineering students Ryan Lasauskas, 左, 肯尼·肯普, 正确的. They are standing in a classroom in the Lied Science and Mathematicsbuilding.


Engineering students partner with Edgerton Explorit

The Explorit Center collaborated with Joel TerMaat, assistant professor of engineering and physics at 十大网络娱乐平台注册-克里特岛, 以及他大二的工程设计课,根据美国漫画家Rube Goldberg的作品创作创新的展示, whose endeavors spanned a large part of the 20th century. 科学与艺术的融合非常适合十大网络娱乐平台注册与该中心的合作关系, 他说, 符合十大网络娱乐平台注册的哲学.

Group of special needs students posing for the camera in Haddix.


Adapted PE course pairs Doane students with 克里特岛 students who have special needs

在新冠肺炎之前,周五是在哈迪克斯中心健身房跳排舞和滑板车滑行的日子. Friday was the day to practice catching with handkerchiefs and beach balls. 最重要的是, 周五是克里特岛公立十大网络娱乐平台注册技能课程的学生与他们最喜欢的十大网络娱乐平台注册学生共度时光的日子,反之亦然. 在统一的十大网络娱乐平台注册/克里特岛适应体育课程之间的时间, 克里特岛高中特殊教育教师杰西·梅因克多次听到她的学生问同样的问题: “今天是十大网络娱乐平台注册体育日吗?? 我们什么时候再去十大网络娱乐平台注册?” She is hopeful COVID restrictions will ease and allow the course to resume next fall. “It means so much to my students,” 她说. The unified course got its start on the bleachers at a Doane basketball game. 辛迪·迈耶, Associate Professor of Physical Education and Health, 坐在丽莎·菲的旁边, 克里特岛中学校长. 看台上的话题转向了梅耶在Doane担任了26年排球总教练后的角色转变. 梅耶现在有更多的时间投入到她的课程中,并希望为体育专业的学生创造新的机会来获得实践经验, particularly through partnerships with 克里特岛 Public Schools. The conversation sparked ideas and plans for the unified course. The Adapted PE class pairs Doane students - many who are studying physical education, 运动科学, 或者治疗——CPS的学生有不同的残疾,这使得他们很难学习运动和健身活动的基本运动技能. “We call them ‘our Cardinal friends,’” Meyer称. “这是一次奇妙的经历. Not just the teaching, but the friendships and bonds that form. 双方都获益良多.” 这是一些红雀队第一次学习投掷、运球、击球或锻炼的地方. 当十大网络娱乐平台注册的学生了解残疾如何影响运动表现时,他们也意识到一些课程计划不能放之四海而皆准. 迈耶说,从技术上讲,克里特岛的学生正在学习运动和健身的基础知识. For the elementary and intermediate school students, each activity teaches the form behind basic skills like running, 投掷和跳跃, 同时也提高了协调性. The middle and high-school students play sports activities as well. “无论是射击还是跑步,辛迪都非常注重教授正确的姿势. 所有的基础都教得很好,但对我的学生来说,这从来都不像是一堂课. 这很有趣。. Her students never know what activity they will find on campus, 她说. 他们可能会投掷戒指,尝试低空平衡木,或者轮流使用棒球t恤和球棒. 他们可能会把降落伞拉成一个紧密的圆圈,并试图把玩具老虎和红衣主教扔到空中. “饥饿的河马”游戏——骑着滑板车去捡网球——是最受欢迎的. “我无法想象辛迪花了多少时间来设置所有的电台,并教她的学生们课后的准备工作,梅克说. “她对十大网络娱乐平台注册的学生以及他们应该如何与克里特岛的学生互动抱有很高的期望,这一点也体现了出来.” 这就是为什么, Meinke说, 克里特岛的学生感到很受欢迎, 理解, cared for and supported by their Doane role models and friends. The activities adapt to the challenges the 克里特岛 student faces in a PE setting. 一个有认知或行为挑战的学生可能只需要一点额外的时间来学习形式和加强运动技能, 而使用助行器或iPad进行交流的学生可能需要根据他们的需要进行一对一或二对一的指导. If a group session is overwhelming one of their Cardinal friends, a Doane student may pull him or her off to the side for individual instruction. Meinke分享了一个小男孩对任何有组织的活动都不感兴趣的经历, but the Doane students realized he liked the scooters. So they pulled him on the scooter for a portion of the class, letting him enjoy the motion and practice his balance. Successes are individual and always celebrated. Meyer notices the growth and improvement in each student, even from year-to-year. 一名克里特岛学生在大一的时候不想参加活动,也不想与十大网络娱乐平台注册的学生互动,但现在他尝试了很多课程. Another student liked playing with a ball but not sharing or playing a game with it. 到了第三年,他把它还给了一个学生,这是值得庆祝的事情. “这是巨大的。!梅克说. “He learned to share and play with another person.” It’s one example of why Meinke doesn’t like to use the word ‘disability.’ “Everyone has an ability and we have high expectations for them. For some kids, throwing may take hundreds of repetitions, but they will get it.” 当迈耶得知克里特岛的一个学生通过她的课程获得了信心,现在帮助他们在其他环境中, 这是一个亮点, 她说, 以及由此形成的关系. “The kids get to work with college students and collegiate athletes, and those students become their role models and friends. My students get just as much or more back and admire the 克里特岛 students, too.” 如果没有CPS的支持,Doane的学生不会有这个重要的教学机会, Meyer称. “在大学里教授适应性体育时,如果不像我们这样给学生提供与个别孩子一起学习的机会,是不可能的. So I'm really grateful to the 克里特岛 school system.” 不过,费伊把功劳归于迈耶. “这(当然)是因为她的远见. 她真的为这门课感到自豪,她的学生为进入现实世界做好了充分的准备.这种伙伴关系是特殊的. 当菲伊观察统一课程时,她总是被它的活力和热情所打动. “孩子们之间的兴奋, the Doane students and the adults when someone succeeds - it’s so rewarding.” The Unified course ends its year with bowling in Wilber. Meyer brings treats and it’s generally a great day for everyone. The 克里特岛 students return to their school “tired, happy and thirsty,梅克说. And almost as soon as it ends she knows the questions will start again like clockwork. “我们什么时候再去十大网络娱乐平台注册……?”